New this month:
I bring you greetings of love and peace in the Name of Our Lord and Saviour, who has sustained us and blessed our collective efforts throughout this reporting period. I want to thank God for His saving grace upon us from the deadly Corona Virus that took away the lives of our many of our loved ones. The Covid-19 virus has brought significant challenges to us, our community, and our nation. We have been reminded of human limitations and sinfulness as well as the sovereignty and goodness of God.
NETD Conference Mandate
At our last conference in July of 2020, the present District Executive received a mandate to give oversight to the NET District for the period 2020-2022. This particular newsletter is meant to convey a brief synopsis of activities and outcomes for period 2021. Other District officers will furnish us with relevant and pertinent information within their diverse sphere of operations.
As the Presiding Bishop, one word that captures the spirit within the District during the course of the year is “Resilience.” “Resilience in Life and Ministry.”
Mechanically/Materially speaking, resilience can be defined as the ability of a material to return to its original state after it has been bent, compressed or stretched. Spiritually, ‘resilience is having strength to fulfil the call God has given us, even when it will be painful and difficult. Resilience is staying fixed on a higher purpose, motivated by love of God, our neighbour, the world, and supported by friends.’(Karen Carr)
Five major strands in resilience can be highlighted
The ability to bounce back– The Life and Ministry of our Pastors and Workers have taken a hit, but we continue to hold steady amidst financial challenges, truncated in-person church services and observable drop in attendance.
The ability to maintain healthy Community spirit– Through the WhatsApp fellowship chat, we have been able to give moral support, congratulatory messages and insightful information. This is enhanced by periodic online programs/specially convened meetings.
The ability to recover well– Spiritual work require spiritual power. We have been able to maintain effective prayer stations through our zonal prayer groups. This is further enhanced by collaborative prayer times with the wider PAWI Fellowship.
The ability to keep going -In spite of the prevailing financial challenges, as a District, we have faithfully been obedient to the scriptural admonition to consistently maintain the payment of tithes to PAWITAT/International Office.
The ability to adjust and adapt successfully– We have been forced to conduct the work of the Lord in a fluid environment. However, we were able to implement most of our plans- District Conference in July; Leadership Enhancement Seminar; Orientation to Ministry for New Ministers, Missions Conference and certain Departmental programs.
Tobago Mandate
The Tobago House of Assembly elections took place on Monday December 6th. The EBC confirmed a higher turnout of voters: 57 per cent, up from 51.84 per cent in the tied January 25 elections. EBC said 29,273 votes were cast from among an electorate of 51,383.Progressive Democratic Patriots (PDP) won 14 of the 15 electoral districts. The Electorate (People) have given the PDP a very huge victory and a strong popular mandate for implementing change.
The Apostolic Mandate
One can clearly envisage the NETD Conference Mandate as being part of this article, but what is the significance of the Tobago mandate? I am so glad you asked! (1) In both of these cited mandates, the mandate flows from a democratic and predominantly human influential outcomes. (2) But when it comes to the “Apostolic Mandate,” it is theocratic and comes from the authoritative voice of Our King- KING JESUS! Jesus has chosen or elected us to bring forth much fruit, so shall ye be my disciples.” (John 15:8)
It must be noted that Jesus in the commissioning of His followers, did not say, “Make decisions in all nations.” He said, “Make disciples.” Transformation is what Discipleship is all about. Our desire must be to allow God to transform our own lives daily; to enable us to walk with others as they experience this same transformation for themselves; to engage people where they are with the gospel of Jesus Christ and leading them into lives of transformation.
Therefore, the Apostolic mandate seeks to make disciples of all nations and to advance the Kingdom of God. This my friend speaks of a transformative process. As such, The NET District theme for the 2022 focuses on: “GROWING TO GREATNESS: THROUGH KINGDOM TRANSFORMATION.” This subject matter will be developed in later sessions, but it promises to be a significant and Spirit- directed prospect.
Ministry life is something that we can either go through or grow through. Resilience requires the willingness to adjust and adapt. Resilience is the biblical norm for Christians. The Bible contains many admonitions to press on (Philippians 3:13–15), overcome hardship and temptation (Romans 12:21), and persevere in the face of trials (James 1:12).
‘Therefore . . . let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the right hand of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.’ (Hebrews 12:1-3) SHALOM!

Praise Report – Faithful God in Fearful Times
Greetings to all my fellow workers. As I reflect on the year 2021, two words come to mind: awful and awesome. As a District, we have experienced our share of loss. Loss of jobs, loss of loved ones and loss of finances. A dark cloud of fear and uncertainty seems to be hovering over our nation, blanketing all rays of hope.
Nevertheless, even in these fearful times, God continues to show Himself faithful. Yes, even in the absence of natural means, He can still preserve and provide for His people and for this, we give thanks.
The pandemic has certainly brought us closer together as workers in the North East District. Many sacrifices were made by our leaders to ensure that no one was left behind in this season of grief and great loss. As the prayer coordinator of this district, I would like to say thanks to all our pastors, credential workers and intercessors for answering the call to prayer.
May we continue to fan the flame, finish the year strong and step into 2022 with a strategic intent of Growing to Greatness through Kingdom Transformation.
Rev. Ricky Mc Clatchie
End-of-Year Fellowship - December 2021
Christmas Greetings
Christmas Greetings from Erica Malchan, a staff member at the NETD District Office. Just giving thanks to Almighty God for His continued protection, provision, and presence over my life for 2021. I’m also thankful to God and the NETD executive for their thoughtfulness and care of us the staff members at the District office during this covid season. To God be the glory.
I would like to take this time to wish everyone heartfelt Christmas greetings and looking forward to seeing what God will do with and through us in the NETD District for the coming new year. Blessings to all.
Saying Thank You to God!
As a family, we are saying thank you to God! We stand grateful to be alive, and to be able to depend on God who gives grace, peace and wisdom for the journey.
There were days this year when it was easy to see God’s miraculous provision and protection. We were able to have a wonderful art exhibition at Horizons Art Gallery, launch an online outreach to women and see our Executive Coaching and Branding business grow. Anya was successful in her CSEC examinations, Josiah continued to do well at school, and we resumed our journey of healthier living. At those times, our faith soared high and we were excited about what God was doing.
But there were also days when we did not feel joyful, hopeful or exuberant. This year was hard in several ways. We met with the loss of two family members and four friends, faced personal and family health challenges, feelings of isolation, fear, sadness, and frustration. At those times, when our faith dipped, God mercifully carried us and those close to us supported and encouraged us.
God comforted us, provided a way of escape and opportunities to depend on Him in every situation. He has been stretching us and growing us. In every moment, God was there, faithfully carrying us. We continue to experience the beauty of God who is faithful, who never leaves nor forsakes, who keeps, strengthens, provides, protects, and who is merciful and gracious.
Lindon Mitchel
NET District Executive: 2020 – 2022

Back row, left to right: Rev. Emerson Boyce, Member-at-Large; Rev. Dr. Melch Pope, Assistant Presiding Bishop; Rev. Brian Selkridge, Missions Director; Rev. Ricky McClatchie, Member-at-Large. Front row, left to right: Rev. Jennifer Eustace, District Administrator; Rev. Dr. Raymond Boca, Presiding Bishop; Rev. Jenny-Lyn Warner, Director of Church Ministries.