“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.”(PSALMS 33:12)
August 31st marks the 50th year of our nation’s birthday. We are grateful that there are some who still patriotically celebrate our nation’s birth. In keeping with this celebrative spirit, I seize the opportunity to convey to the North East District Community, my heartfelt expressions. Psalm 33: 12 aids significantly in expressing these thoughts.
As The Nation, Trinidad and Tobago, we are indeed blessed! We Are Blessed! We are blessed with liberty! We are blessed with freedom of movement – Go where you want; Go when you want; Go with who you want; WE ARE BLESSED! We are blessed with freedom of speech -Say what you like; say when you like; say to whom you like; WE ARE BLESSED! We are blessed with freedom of religion – Worship who you like; worship when you like; worship where you like; worship how you like; WE ARE BLESSED! We are blessed generally with great provisions (natural resources), great possessions (homes and cars), and great potential (world class sportsmen and educators). You can be what you want to be! Opportunities are there, WE ARE BLESSED!
As The Nation, The Church, we are indeed blessed! Clearly God’s chosen people, according to our text, are strictly those who belong to Christ. (I Peter 2:4-10). The strength of a nation is directly related to its relationship with God. Whenever a nation, or the ruler of a nation, seeks knowledge of God’s Word and Will when deciding on how to operate, God guarantees that he will bless not only the man but also the Nation. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” This is clearly seen in the biblical narratives of Joseph and Daniel.
Therefore, I pray that with the pressures upon our land, there would be a great and lasting turning to the Lord. I pray that our nation will learn righteousness (Isaiah 26:9) and that God’s judgments may be tempered by His mercy (Isaiah 54:8, 60:10; Habakkuk 3:2). I pray for godly shepherds and servant leaders who will refuse to downplay the urgency of the hour in the world. I pray that our shepherds will lead the Church in holiness, a commitment to the Bible, spiritual unity, and outreach to the lost. I pray for the evangelization and discipling of the lost. I pray for the Church to reach out to the lost with love and boldness and that Christians will pray for, care for, and share Christ with their neighbours and co-workers.
I pray, “God Bless Our Nation!” and I say, “Go and Bless This Nation”

Rev. Dr. Raymond W. Boca