Responses to the Incarnation- Matthew 2: 1-11; Luke 2:8:
• Like the magi from the East (Pagans), we can come to worship Him;
• Like Herod (Sociopolitical), we can seek to eliminate such a rule of powerful love from our lives;
• Like the chief priest (Religious), not bothering to let such a king disturb our comfortable routine;
• Like the shepherds (Church), we can joyfully proclaim what we have come to see and praise God for his revolutionary self-disclosure in a baby.
The fourfold perspective on how God communicated the coming joy to the world
• To the wise men from the East, revelation came by means of a star;
• To Herod the King, revelation came by means of private information;
• To the chief priest, revelation came by means of the Old Testament scriptures;
• To the shepherds, revelation came by means of an angel of the Lord
Learning from the Incarnation
• The incarnation reveals the essential nature of God;
• God’s nature is to humble Himself, not to assert Himself;
• God’s nature is as a servant, not as an overlord;
• God wins by submitting, by serving, by stooping, by pouring Himself out, by emptying Himself.
“No one has ever seen God” ; God became human and dwelt among us; In Jesus we see God. So God came not just to show us grace but to give us grace; and we must receive it. “From His fullness we have received grace upon grace.” So, don’t spurn it today. Receive it! Welcome it for what it really is. And let it fill your heart with everlasting joy — JOY TO THE WORLD!
To all our Pastors/Workers, congregations throughout our District, thank you for remaining faithful to the Cause of Christ. On behalf of my wife, Jennifer; Children: Deryck, Roger, Kimberly, Kerray-Ann; Grand children: Denisa and Amelia; and District Executive members and myself, I pray that as we enter the holiday season and a new year, that we remain focused, faithful and on fire for God.
Rev. Dr. Raymond Boca